Why Switch to Natural and Ecological Skincare?

Natural, healthy  cosmetics  are gaining more and more popularity both in Finland and in the world. This is one of the trends that - like the fashion for healthy eating or an active lifestyle - is an opposition to the civilization of fast-food and eternal rush. Thanks to the safe composition, based only on ecological ingredients, we can treat our skin to a portion of natural care every day. Healthy cosmetics are a guarantee of a healthy complexion! 

Ideally cosmetics can have the same healthy ingredients that what we are eating and considering as super foods for the body but as well as for the skin –  for example, vegetable oils and butters, honey, cocoa,  avocado, berries, green tea......to name a few. So, although cosmetics are not food, remember that what we put on the skin partially penetrates into the body.  

A lot is said about health in the diet, lifestyle and cosmetology. People try to be "a little more eco" or "live a bit more fit", and to this end they buy products in packages with flashy inscriptions on the natural composition and bio-effect of the product. In the case of cosmetics, it is also very easy to get caught in beautifully decorated containers with printed information about the alleged organic nature of the preparation. However, not everyone knows that healthy cosmetics are recognized not by the inscriptions on the front of the packaging, but rather by the list of ingredients on its back. 

The most important principle of creating truly healthy preparations is the absolute prohibition of using substances that may endanger the user's health and those that are at least suspected in this matter. The second requirement for the production of naturally healthy cosmetics is not to test them on animals. We are then completely sure that our ecological care is possible without affecting the health or life of other creatures. 

Healthy cosmetics are composed only on the basis of plant materials from ecological and certified crops. In this way, we gain a guarantee that no synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or genetically modified products (GMOs) that could adversely affect our body have entered the composition of the preparation. The method of obtaining the ingredients of natural cosmetics is also important. Nothing happens here on the basis of synthetic production methods - only physical production in the form of grinding, pressing, drying or filtration processes is at stake. 

In order to be sure that the cosmetic we hold is  natural, we should carefully study not only its content, but also the packaging in which it was placed. Companies producing healthy cosmetics should also take into account this aspect of ecomission, which is care for the natural environment. Make sure that the cosmetics you buy have a label indicating that their containers are recyclable.  

What are our drivers at Kajo Cosmetics? 

Our ecological awareness is growing, which means that when choosing cosmetics, we are increasingly guided not only by their price and the promised effect, but also by brand values. We strive to protect the environment we live in, so we put all our efforts into creating the best, most natural and environmentally-friendly formulas and solutions in Kajo Cosmetics.  

For more information about our products and their ingredients, please look at the active ingredients list in the ingredients tab on our webpage. 

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