Debunking Skincare Myths: The Right Way to Apply Your Products for Maximum Effectiveness

Throughout the years working in the beauty industry, there has been a multitude of myths and misconceptions regarding the optimal way to apply skincare products. From the order of layering to the ideal quantity, there's a lot of misinformation out there that can actually hinder the performance of a carefully curated routine. In this article, we'll debunk the most common skincare application myths and provide the right techniques to ensure products deliver maximum benefits.

Myth 1: The Order of Application Doesn't Matter

One of the biggest misconceptions is that the order in which you apply your skincare products doesn't make a difference. In reality, the sequence of application is crucial for allowing each formula to penetrate and work at its best. The general rule of thumb is to apply from lightest to heaviest consistency - so start with water-based products like toners and essences, then move on to serums, oils, and lastly, creams and moisturizers.

This order ensures that the active ingredients in each product can effectively absorb into the skin without being blocked or diluted by heavier textures. Kajo's Balancing Toner, for example, should be applied first to prep the skin, followed by our Radiance Boosting Serum and then topped off with the Soothing Hydra Cream for a complete, synergistic routine.

Myth 2: You Can Rush Between Product Layers

Another common misconception is that you can quickly apply one product after another without giving each one time to absorb. In reality, it's essential to allow a minute or two for each formula to fully penetrate before moving on to the next step. This ensures that the active ingredients have the opportunity to work their magic on your skin, rather than just sitting on the surface.

With Kajo's products, we recommend taking a moment to gently massage each formula into the skin, allowing it to "sink in" before proceeding to the next step. This helps optimize product performance and prevent pilling or skipping.

Myth 3: All Products Can Be Mixed Together

While layering various skincare products can be an effective way to target multiple concerns, it's important to be mindful of which ingredients can be combined and which should be kept separate. For example, retinol and vitamin C should not be applied at the same time, as they can counteract each other's benefits and potentially cause irritation.

Kajo's formulas are designed to work synergistically, but we always recommend checking the instructions and introducing new products one at a time to ensure compatibility with your individual skin type and needs.

Myth 4: More Product is Better

Finally, a common myth is that using larger quantities of product will lead to better results. In reality, most skincare formulas are highly concentrated and only require a small amount to be effective. Applying too much product can actually overwhelm the skin, leading to clogged pores, irritation, and a waste of product.

For Kajo's products, we generally recommend using a pea-sized amount for the face and neck area. Gently massage the formula into the skin until it's fully absorbed, rather than layering on thick, heavy applications.

By debunking these common skincare myths and implementing the right application techniques, you can ensure that your Kajo routine delivers maximum benefits for a healthy, glowing complexion. Remember, less is often more when it comes to achieving radiant, balanced skin.

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We use the wealth of native Nordic ingredients to create products that moisturize, nourish, and keep you looking young and beautiful no matter your age.